Thank you for visiting the website of LIFE365 Church. We regret to inform you that as of 7th of May, 2023, our church has permanently closed its doors. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who were a part of our community and supported us throughout the years.

While our physical place of worship may no longer be accessible, the memories and spiritual connections forged within these walls will forever hold a special place in our hearts. We encourage you to cherish the moments we shared together and remember the values that brought us together as a faith community.

Although this chapter has come to an end, we believe that the spirit of love, compassion, and unity that guided us as a church lives on. We invite you to seek out other spiritual communities and continue your personal journey of faith. May you find solace, inspiration, and a sense of belonging wherever your path may lead.

Thank you for visiting the website of LIFE365 Church. We regret to inform you that as of 7th of May, 2023, our church has permanently closed its doors. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who were a part of our community and supported us throughout the years.

While our physical place of worship may no longer be accessible, the memories and spiritual connections forged within these walls will forever hold a special place in our hearts. We encourage you to cherish the moments we shared together and remember the values that brought us together as a faith community.

Although this chapter has come to an end, we believe that the spirit of love, compassion, and unity that guided us as a church lives on. We invite you to seek out other spiritual communities and continue your personal journey of faith. May you find solace, inspiration, and a sense of belonging wherever your path may lead.